Friday, March 23, 2007


Audio Version here

Psalm 143:9 Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you. (NIV)

There are early reports coming in this morning that fifteen British sailors have been captured by the Iranian Navy in Iraqi waters. Perhaps by the end of the day, these sailors will be released. I hope so, for the event has the potential to escalate the war in the Gulf. I pray that the sailors will be treated well and quickly returned, otherwise the British Navy may retaliate.

It reminds me of the Iranian hostage crisis which took place during Jimmy Carter’s presidency. He lost the Whitehouse to Ronald Reagan because of it. Britain goes to the polls in about eight weeks time to elect a new Prime Minister. Perhaps I’m being cynical in my old age, but I wonder if the Iranian President has initiated this incident to influence British voters? Ahmadinejad was one of the revolutionary ring-leaders of the hostage situation in the American Embassy in Tehran. It could be that he’s trying to unnerve the Western alliance in the present Iraqi war. Personally, I wouldn’t put it past him.

However, as Christians, we need to keep praying for peace in the region and for the dogs of war to be silenced. No matter how justified each side feels about what is going on, this fact remains: innocent men, women, and children are dying in the streets of Baghdad and across the region. We have to find a lasting solution. We need to honestly look at ourselves and find the ways, words, and works that lead to peace. Otherwise, our children won’t just be facing global warming; they’ll be continually dealing with global warring.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace whereas we are the weavers of war. Help us to end the hostilities between different nations, races, and religions throughout the world. If we are truly Christian, then crucify our self-righteous sins and grandiose schemes of sovereignty. Teach us not to throw away our freedom by surrendering our security. Help us not to lose our faith by empowering our religion. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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