Monday, February 26, 2007


Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

There’s a report this morning that the director of the movie Titanic will announce the making of a new documentary about what happened to Jesus’ body after the Crucifixion. He claims to have found a group of tombs in Jerusalem, of the family of Mary and Joseph, and that Christ’s remains is in the midst of them. There are also claims that Mary Magdalene is buried there, along with a son.

Some people will be alarmed at all of this because if the true bones of Jesus are found, it will make a mockery of what Christians believe. We believe that Christ rose physically from the tomb, showed his wounds to His disciples, and that He physically ascended into heaven. It’s all a crucial part of having faith in Jesus. What will be interesting to see is whether or not the alleged bones of Christ have horrific wounds and dislocations all over them. Crucifixion was not only about bleeding to death – shoulders, knees, collar bones and knees would all dislocate in the grueling process.

I guess this is just another showbiz attempt to try to unsettle the faithful and raise a new generation of cynics amongst us. Having faith, especially Christian faith, is not easy to carry these days. To some people, we are superstitious nutters, who have no place in the post-modern world. To others, we are constantly the burrs beneath their saddles of complacency, affluence and decadence. Our existence as a community of faith constantly challenges the ways of the world because we believe in a Risen Lord, who is King of all creation and the Savior of our souls.

So, whatever is announced tomorrow, let’s be aware that it’s just another publicity stunt by a film maker who’s running out of good ideas. Let’s also pray for his soul so that in the midst of his quest, rather than finding ancient skeletons, he may come across the One, True & Living Lord – Jesus the Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your life, death, and resurrection are mysteries that we desperately want to solve. Many want to believe You are who You say You are, but they want physical and tangible proof. Remind us that faith does not seek proof, but it is revealed inwardly to us, bringing us hope for the forgiveness of our sins, restoration to God’s favor, and an eternal life beyond the dust and shores of earth. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen

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