Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Managing Branches

Jeremiah 33:15 "'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just and right in the land.

We have a grape myrtle tree right in the middle of our back lawn. When mowing season begins, I have to struggle past the tree with my lawnmower. The tree is also on the side of a hill, so it’s not an easy obstacle to circle. And when it reaches its peak growth in the Fall, the new branches that have sprouted are thick and hard to negotiate around.

Some friends have suggested that to make life easier I should just cut down the tree, pull up its stump, and re-grass the lawn. It certainly would make things less difficult for me. But there’s a story behind the tree, which is why it continues to exist in the middle of the lawn, at the crest of the hill.

We purchased the house from a young couple who had three boys. After we finally closed the deal, the mother drew us aside and asked, “Please promise that you won’t cut down the myrtle tree. I had a miscarriage and we lost our baby girl. We planted the tree in memory of her.”

So, during the mowing season, I circumnavigate the tree because of a promise that we made, and in memory of a little girl that we didn’t know. And if ever we have to move or sell the house, I’ll say to the buyers, “Please promise you won’t cut down the myrtle tree.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Righteous branch that sprouted from the line of David. Your connection to him across the centuries fulfilled the promises of God. Graft each of us onto Your Branch, so that we may grow in Your goodness and continue to fulfill those righteous promises. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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