Wednesday, January 24, 2007


John 18:23 "If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?"

It’s a terrible moment of injustice in Christ’s life. He is standing before His own people, His own religious leaders and they unfairly strike Him for insubordination. They want to show Him who is in control. They want to display their power and authority. They want to humiliate Him for upsetting the status quo and for leading the people astray. In the one holy place where Christ should have received justice, He was abused. Amongst the chosen leaders who could have been given Him mercy, He was shown wrath.

Sometimes we forget that Jesus went through all this in order to save us from our sins. Things happen to us in our own lives that cause setbacks to our plans, our hopes, and our dreams. We think of these things as being unfair, unmerited, and unnecessary. We even wonder why God allows such painful things to happen to us or our loved ones.

We should remember that the real definition of unfairness is injustice. Christ suffered because we are sinful. He was struck because we are shameless. He was battered and bruised, tortured and tormented, crucified and killed because of us. The things He went through were unnecessary, and yet at the same time, absolutely necessary because there was no other way, no other path, no other road than that which led to Calvary to ensure salvation for the world.

I hate to read about Christ suffering, but knowing me, if I had been there in the Sanhedrin, I probably would have struck Him, too. That’s why I need a Savior like Jesus. That’s why I need someone else to take away my sin. Without Him, I am nothing and without His pain, I am powerless to receive God’s grace.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Only You can redeem us; only You can restore us. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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