Saturday, January 20, 2007


Psalm 138:8 The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands.

King David of old faced many crises in his long life. He had to fight bears and lions when he was a young shepherd, in order to preserve his father’s flock. He confronted and slew the giant Goliath with no armor or sword. He destroyed Saul’s enemies and protected his people from the warring Philistines. He endured the king’s wrath and went into years of exile, wondering what was to become of him. And even when David was victoriously enthroned over his people, he still had to fight and endure several civil wars against his sons.

You would think that David caused all of that trouble for himself through poor decisions, sinful choices, and rash mistakes. But when he reflected upon his life as a warrior, he realized that God worked through all of those events in order to make David a bold leader. That’s why he faithfully writes that God will fulfill His purpose in David; that’s why he declares God’s love endures forever; and that’s why he pleads with God not to abandon what He has created in David.

Faith is never easy and people like David appear to us to be wild and untamed, imperfect and ignoble. As a leader, David would never have made it in today’s world – he’s too coarse, too bloody, too tainted with sin. And yet, God chose David to be the greatest king in Israel and promised him a succession line that would last forever. Perhaps God rewards boldness over blandness, passion over perfection, and resolve over reputation. It’s hard to say, but if you look at David’s whole life and read about his exploits, you soon realize that God fulfills His purposes in His own way, by His own choices, and for His own sake.

I guess the lesson that we glean from today’s passage is this: no matter what we want, God’s will prevails; no matter whom we choose, God calls His own.

Prayer: Lord God, when we look at David’s life and all the struggles he experienced, we realize that You can use anyone for Your purposes. His sinfulness and bloody ways are no different from our own, and yet with faith, You allowed him to accomplish much. Take us and use us for Your purposes. May we serve You greatly, even though we greatly sin. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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