Monday, December 18, 2006

To Be a Christian

Acts 26:29 Paul replied, "Short time or long-I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains."

At times, I wish I could be more like Paul. He was fearless for the faith he loved, and willing to cross swords with kings and emperors. He saw every person as the same – a seeker of the truth and in need of salvation. He didn’t let power or prestige, status or strength go to his head. Each person he came across was in need of God’s forgiveness; everyone he met needed Christ as their Savior.

I wonder how he would have coped with today. Would he have been content to preach from a pulpit each Sunday and lead special classes in church? Would he have gone to meeting after meeting to make and take decisions on behalf of the congregation? Or would he have been out and about in the streets, stores, businesses and banks preaching the gospel? Would he be down at the city chambers giving his testimony and talking to the mayor, the press, and other community leaders about their need for salvation and Christ in their hearts?

I think Paul would have been stirring things up and getting arrested. I think he would still be in chains and addressing people in power. The souls of great, powerful women and men would still be just as important to him, as would be the Christmas mall-shopper, the postal worker, and the homeless itinerant.

The best Christmas gift we can give this year is the sharing of God’s Word and the promise of the Gospel. Let’s not be afraid to express our faith in positive ways to the most negative of people. Let’s not just put the word “Christ” back into Christmas, but let’s also put it back in the word “Christian.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You call us to be followers of Your Way and proclaimers of Your Word. Sometimes we are afraid to show or express our beliefs, in case we appear to be controversial, intolerant, and uncompassionate. Grant us, Lord, to have Paul’s concern for the everlasting souls of those around us. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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