Friday, December 08, 2006

Road to Unafraid

1 John 3: 16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

I’ve just finished reading a great book last night. It’s called “The Road to Unafraid” by Capt. Jeff Struecker. He was one of the Army Rangers who played a major role in rescuing American troops in Mogadishu, Somalia. Three times he led a rescue convoy into the heart of that city, whilst undergoing heavy hostile fire. He lost some good friends amongst his band of brothers that fateful day, and his heroic exploits were portrayed in the movie “Black Hawk Down.”

Jeff says that it was his faith in God and prayers that got him through the battle. When it was all over and the troops were resting in a football stadium, some men came up to him and asked him why God let all of the carnage happen and where did the spirits of their fallen comrades go after death? Jeff said that he didn’t know why God permitted such violence, but he did say that those soldiers who had faith in Christ were reunited with their Lord at the instance of their death. Jeff explained that he didn’t make up the rules, but one day we would all be accountable for choosing or rejecting Christ.

Jeff writes that it was a profound moment in his life. Here he was, one of the best Rangers in the army preaching the gospel to young men who, like himself, were bloodied, beaten and battered by the battle. Some of the soldiers accepted Christ in that football stadium, giving their hearts to Jesus in the middle of what had become a medical and triage center.

The rest of the book tells Jeff’s story about winning the Best Ranger of the Year competition; his beautiful relationship with his wife and kids; and also his decision to become an Army chaplain, who has been in the midst of heavy fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, giving solace, strength, and comfort to young soldiers.

I’m interviewing Jeff this afternoon on the Seven Days Radio Show between 4-5pm. You can listen to him on WVLZ1180AM in Knoxville, and WKCE 1120AM in Maryville. You can also hear it live on the internet at As well as interviewing Jeff, I’ll be giving away a copy of his book as a prize.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we hardly think about faith being proclaimed and the Gospel being shared among soldiers. And yet, when we pause to reflect upon this, didn’t You preach to soldiers about being content with their pay, and once helped a centurion who asked for a miracle? Lord, as we pray for our troops at home and abroad, we also pray for their eternal souls. Open their hearts and minds to Your Gospel, Your Story, and Your Teaching. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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