Thursday, December 28, 2006


Amos 9:11 "In that day I will restore David's fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be,

Our church building is over 50 years old and it is beginning to show wear and tear all over the place. We’ve a large crack in the Fellowship Hall which needs to be attended to as soon as possible. We’ve a worn out kitchen that is now inadequate for the amount of social functions we put on at the church. Our roof constantly gives us trouble and the septic system needs overhauled. The front doors are past their best and the concrete entrance outside is beginning to crack and fail. It’s going to take a lot of focus and attention to detail to get these things restored, replaced and renewed. It’s also going to take a great deal of money and fund-raising to accomplish these tasks.

Much of the work we can do ourselves and, in the past, we have had marvelous work parties and crews who have performed this well. We need a plan to be put in place, with a schedule of what’s to be done. We need to communicate often with the congregation of where we are, what we are planning to do, and what the next stage is going to cost. People are more open to giving to something that they can see happening and understand why it’s necessary, rather than just scurry about like squirrels trying to fix a broken nest.

My aim is to get enough done in the next five years that will suffice for the next fifty years. My calling is to keep asking God to restore us and give us His blessing to build up the church spiritually, numerically, and physically. Without His blessing, we can do nothing that will last. With His favor, we can overcome all of the obstacles and accomplish what lies ahead.

Perhaps, as well as mending broken walls, we can also be in the business of repairing broken lives, restoring lost souls, and retrieving those who have fallen away. For no matter how fine and wonderful our building looks, if souls aren’t being saved, or the hungry fed, and the poor supported, then all that we are restoring is a mausoleum to a dead faith. What we need is a new life center, where people can be challenged and changed; where church members and visitors can become pilgrims of love, joy, and goodwill to our community, and beyond.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, in 2007 our wee church will be looking inside of its building and will try to repair many areas. Help us to keep focused on what is important for the well-being of the body, mind, and soul of our church. At the same time, keep our eyes upon the needs in our community and around the world, so that we don’t become preoccupied with our own stuff to the exclusion of what’s happening around us. Grant us awareness and discernment, a vision and direction. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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