Friday, December 15, 2006


Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel…

I see that there’s a new Rocky Balboa movie out this Christmas, and I’m wondering whether or not to go and see it. I’ve seen the other five, but I think that after the third one, Sylvester Stallone should have hung up his boxing gloves. I guess that I don’t want to see him looking any older because that means I’m a lot older, too.

This train of thought reminded me about another boxer in the movies, played by Marlon Brando, called Terry Malloy. He portrays a has-been boxer in the classic movie “On the Waterfront.” It’s one of my youngest daughter Lauren’s favorite all time pictures. I guess everyone can practically quote Brando’s famous line:

"You don't understand. I could've had class. I could've been a contender. I could've been somebody instead of a bum, which I am."

“I could’ve been a contender.” In other words, I could have had a shot at a world title.

In today’s scripture passage, Paul talks about being a contender for the Gospel. We tend to forget that he had to win over the hearts and minds of people who didn’t know what Christ, Christianity, or even Christmas was. He had to contend with their traditional notions and superstitious beliefs. He had to fight for his faith to survive. In the end, Paul was more than just a contender; he became a Champion of Christ’s church.

These days, we find it difficult to express the Good News and Gospel of Christ because so many people get offended or think that we’re being intolerant. But guess what? It’s always been that way - from Round One in the New Testament times up until this very day. People, leaders, and governments get offended with Christ because His message is radical, life-changing and challenging. And, because of this, we’re meant to surrender to Christ and contend with the world – the trouble is some people believe we should surrender to the world and contend with Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to fight the good fight and contend for our faith. Keep us from backing down and backing away from Your radical message. Enable us to be strong in our beliefs, and even although we are far from perfect, grant us spirits that will contend for Your truth in order to win souls for Your Kingdom. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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