Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Exodus 23:21 Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him.

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."

It often amazes me to see how consistent God is over all of these centuries. We’re living in a world where no absolutes are readily accepted and people make up their own version of what truth is. And yet, when we read the scriptures, we find that God hasn’t changed His message to suit these times, the culture or the people.

Today’s passages are separated by almost 1400 years, more than enough time for God’s people to be in different places, with different ideas, and different cultures. But God doesn’t change: His will cannot be negotiated; His people can either accept or reject what He has to say. There’s no compromise and there’s no allowing circumstances to change His decision. We either accept God and receive His blessing, or we reject Him and remain under His wrath.

These days, some people are loathe to accept that kind of message and even some pastors have strayed far away from the concept of an up or down choice for believers. “We live in a modern world,” they may say, “a cosmopolitan, diverse, and different society from Biblical times. To state that we only have one choice is being intolerant, outdated, and insensitive. Go back to your Christian caves and leave the rest of the world to do what it wants.”

But no matter what they think, in the end it’s what God thinks, says, and does that will be supreme. If He didn’t change His ideas in the 1400 years between Moses and Jesus, why do we arrogantly think He will change for our way of life now?

Prayer: Lord God, somehow we’ve got it into our head that You change with our times and that every succeeding generation renegotiates Your word with You. We even think that our up-to-date messages overtake the sacredness and power of Your word. Forgive us for being arrogant and self-consumed; steer us away from being idolaters of our own choices, instead of becoming faithful servants of Your Kingdom. In Christ’s Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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