Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting Rights

Psalm 72:1      Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness.


It’s called a ‘coronation psalm’ because it was composed for and sung at the annual crowning ceremonies of the Israelite kings in Jerusalem. It was meant to bring blessings upon the ruler of the people, which in turn would convey blessings upon the people. Justice and mercy, honor and integrity were as important for leaders way back then, as they are now. The people of olden days just took more time to pray for their leaders and petition to God for their own well-being.


Today, many of us will be casting votes in local, regional, and state elections. We will be exercising our great liberty of political choice. Most people in the world don't know what democracy is. Most people in the world never get a chance to vote for their rulers. We are part of a privileged amount of people on earth who get to choose their leaders.


In the midst of our voting, will we take time to pray? Will we ask God to bless whatever representative is chosen with compassion, commitment, and concern for the people. Will we sing to God about our hopes and ask His blessing upon those who will become our leaders at the beginning of 2007? Will we keep them in prayer, even if we didn't vote for them or their party?


Whatever the outcome of the elections, and whoever is chosen to represent us, let’s not forget to pray for the qualities of justice and righteousness, discernment, and good government – for these are endowed by God.


Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, today we exercise a right that You didn't have – the right to vote. Help us to treat it respectfully and not take it for granted by being too busy or too lazy to vote. Remind us that voting is not a divine right, nor a human one throughout the earth. Bless those who are chosen and may we keep them in our prayers each day. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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