Thursday, November 16, 2006

Saved Forever

Psalm 49:8,9 The ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough-- that he should live on forever and not see decay.

One of the morning network TV shows is doing a series about “getting to heaven.” The broadcasters and interviewers are traveling all over the world to talk to people of different faiths and religions, to get them to express what they believe about the after-life and what heaven will look like when they get there. I guess there’s a lot of interest over here about eternal life. I just wish that local churches could tap into the curiosity and present a simple message to people to get them on heaven’s highway.

Being a Christian pastor, I don’t think like most people. I spend most of my life immersed in scripture, constructing sermons and lessons of faith, and meditating on Christ. Other folks don’t have that option. I think they get on with life, busy themselves with balancing their responsibilities and duties, take off some leisure time, and then somehow think about God, Christ, and the after-life in small pockets of time. As I say, I’m a pastor, so perhaps my understanding of what’s real about life is colored by my vocation.

But from what I gather, most people think that to gain eternal life, all that they have to do is die, turn up at the Pearly Gates and walk straight through them. If that was the case, then we’d all want to die everyday. It seems to me that there’s something within us which keeps us wanting to avoid death at all costs because we know that salvation isn’t guaranteed. Most people might say that they’re not ready for death, when really they’re saying, “we’re not ready for God’s judgment.”

As the psalmist wrote long ago, ‘the ransom for a life is costly,’ so guess what? The ransom for eternal life is infinitely priceless. We could never buy everlasting life for ourselves – it takes someone greater than us. And yes, that’s why Christ is the only way to eternal life and everlasting salvation. His priceless sacrifice ransomed our souls and only our personal faith in Him guarantees immortality.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, only You have been given the authority to save people from the completeness of death and the human tragedy of oblivion. Open our hearts and minds to Your way of salvation. Help us to show our families and friends the real access to everlasting life. In Your Holy name, we pray. Amen.

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