Monday, November 13, 2006

Joash's Journey

2 Chronicles 24: 2 Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years of Jehoiada the priest.

Joash was an infant king and whilst he listened to the advice of Jehoida his priest and mentor, he ruled wisely and faithfully. However, after Jehoida died, Joash surrounded himself with people who led him astray. At the end of his reign, the country was divided, society was decadent, and God’s anger brought about the downfall of Joash’s monarchy. As an infant king, Joash started off well, but then when he became an adult, he started to make foolish and unwise choices.

When I was a boy, I enjoyed worshipping in church and being in Sunday School. I loved to hear the preachers preach and hear the stories of God from my teachers. When I was a teenager I thought I was too old for such childish stuff, and I cast aside my faith in order to enjoy life’s pleasures. It was a mistake, for even though I satisfied my every whim, I still felt empty, miserable, and depressed. The choices I made were self-destructive and, because of my pride, I didn’t seek help until I hit rock bottom.

It was only when I had no other way out of my misery that I turned to the Lord. I discovered that He was waiting for me and ever since then, I have depended upon Christ to lead me on this path of faith. I still make mistakes and I am guilty of foolish choices at times, but I know that the Lord can help me; I know that the Lord can guide me.

If only Joash had sought the Lord when he was older, his reign might have had a different ending. Perhaps there’s someone out there reading this who needs to seek the Lord and turn their life around. Perhaps there’s someone you know who needs to set their feet on a new path, a new direction. Send them this message and pray for them today.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You want our lives to have better endings and You constantly seek to show us Your way that leads to eternal bliss and endless blessings. We are stubborn and full of pride, self-destructive and addicted to our own ways. Free us from these false gods of our own making and return us to Your Truth, Your Way, and Your Life. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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