Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strengthening Angels

(You can listen to the audio commentary by double clicking here - if you get a page of symbols, don't worry, just double click the link again)

Luke 22:43     An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.


We tend to think that Jesus was some sort of sacred superman who had no weaknesses and that nothing could damage His spirit. When we read this passage about Gethsemane, we quickly realize how human Christ was, and that even with all of His faith, He still experienced fear. We see Him here as a troubled man, overwhelmed with sorrow and despised by the world; but do we also see Him as a petrified child trying His best to do His Father’s bidding?


The last time Christ was this vulnerable in the scriptures was when Herod set out to kill the boys in Bethlehem. Jesus was just an infant and He depended upon Mary and Joseph’s care and protection. Now He was on his own in Gethsemane, and even although His natural instincts were crying out to flee, He exhausted Himself struggling to stay the course.


That’s when the angel appeared beside Christ to give Him strength. It was God’s last gift to His Son before His death.


In our churches, there are many people who are fearful, whose faith is being stretched and whose troubles are breaking their spirits. During those times, the communion of the saints is so important because we can be the strengthening angels to those who need help in our congregations and community. No one should have to face their fears alone, for even God saw to it that Jesus was comforted when He was in distress.


Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, You struggled at Gethsemane and wrestled with Your fears. You understand our pain and sickness, our times of trial and tribulation. Thank You for allowing Your Spirit to be ever present with us, but we also thank You for the angels amongst us that we can turn to, who give us hope, encouragement, and support when we need it most. In Your Holy Name, we thankfully pray. Amen.

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