Thursday, July 06, 2006

Lazy Lifestyles

Hebrews 6:12              We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


Lazy lifestyles have led to a fickle theology being promoted by Presbyterians. Because we have become so enamored with the world and seduced by its culture, we don’t want to stand up for what’s right or stand out in a crowd. We want peace through appeasement and acceptance through ambivalence. We want to be adored by society and adorned with its baubles. We seek to be trendy and cool, instead of being troubled and concerned. We want to find an acceptable place in the public market, instead of preaching prophetically in the marketplace. In other words, we want people to love us, instead of loving God.


Faith requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. It’s not something we can take for granted or choose to pick up only when we need it. Faith is about patiently sticking to God’s plan, instead of expecting Him to adhere to ours. It’s about stating what’s wrong with the world and telling the truth, even though it may cost us dearly in terms of popularity, relevance, and acceptance. We may succumb to evil from time to time, and fail to live 100% Christian lives, but the object of faith is to keep on trying, to keep focused on our Savior, to keep telling His message and presenting His ministry.


Other people may be sincere about where we are headed as Presbyterians, by their pandering to the culture and ditching our beliefs. Being sincere does not mean that they are right. People, presbyteries and Presbyterians can be sincerely wrong. It’s up to us to truly discover what God is doing in the world, instead of what we believe He should be doing. And if that means we ardently continue to call the Triune God, “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”, instead of the concocted, convenient, and cultured phrase of “Mother, Child, and Womb”, then so be it.


It’s only through faith and patience that we will inherit what has been promised, and not through fickle theology and politically correct contrivances.


Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, it was You who personally taught us to call God “Father.” It was You who gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. If You had meant anything else, You would have told us, but You specifically gave us these Names. Keep us faithful and patient, focused and perseverant in these troubling times that try our souls and test our faith. In Your Sacred Name, we pray. Amen.

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