Monday, July 17, 2006

Calling of the Heart

(You can listen to the audio commentary by double clicking here - if you get a page of symbols, don't worry, just double click the link again)

John 17:2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.

Listening to my youngest daughter Lauren preaching from the pulpit yesterday was both a proud and perplexing moment for me. She was a part of a group of Senior Highs who are moving on to college and they each give a valedictory homily during the morning worship.

It was a wonderful service. The presentation and messages were marvelous, the music and prayers were inspiring and uplifting. I eagerly looked forward to hearing Lauren speak, but I wasn't prepared for what she had to say.

Lauren wants to work in Africa, either through Peace Corps or with a mission agency. She’s going to college to get her degree, but her calling is to go to regions and areas where AIDS is leaving millions of African children as orphans. When she expressed this, it came as a total surprise to me and it made me fearful of those things she may have to experience, suffer and endure. In my heart, I don't want her to go, but I also recognize that her life does not belong to me. Lauren belongs to God.

Perhaps in four years time, after college is over, things may be different, but I don't think so. Lauren has a caring heart which can be very resolute at times. I know that she has thought about this for a long time. My role, as well as our church’s, is to help her fulfill that calling and praise God for what He does with her life.

Perhaps you are struggling with purpose and meaning, focus and direction in your own life. Have you ever thought that it may be happening to you because God has a calling that you've left unanswered or unfulfilled? Make time today to ask God what it is He truly wants of you, and what He wants you to be. In the process, you may rediscover who you are and what you are meant to be.

Prayer: Lord God, You see the beginning, middle and end of our lives. You have a plan, a predestination route for us to follow. Help us this day to seek Your guidance and to follow Your direction for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

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