Monday, April 03, 2006

Mob Mentality

Matthew 27: 25 All the people answered, "Let his blood be on us and on our children!"


We all make mistakes and, usually, we suffer the consequences of our actions. When I rebelled as a teenager, I did some nasty things that I still regret. When I became a drunk, I put myself into idiotic situations that still haunt my soul today. Now that I have college age daughters, I worry that the weaknesses and excesses of my past will be similarly experienced by them. I don't want them to go through what damaged me. I don't want them to fall into the same pits of despair, depression, and self-destruction.


It seems, however, that the mob in Pilate's court didn't care about their children. They were hostile and angry, bitter and determined to destroy Jesus. The clergy had done their work well - they had whipped the mob into a frenzy of hatred, violence and injustice. The people were calling for Jesus to be lynched and crucified. Their bloody tempers were so hot that they even committed their children to this unjust cause. If an innocent man was being tortured and killed, they were ready to take the blame; and even their innocent children were invoked as being part of this shameful hostility.


We're still like this today. We're fighting a war and committing billions to it, which our children and grandchildren will have to pay for with their own blood, sweat, and toil. We're living beyond our means and showing our kids a lifestyle that they will never be able to afford, which will ruin their credit, burst their relationships, and cause misery in their lives. We're addicted to pleasure, in love with ourselves, and we selfishly waste the world's finite resources. If it all runs out just after we pass on to the next world, who cares what's left for our children?


Jesus was crucified by the mob, but so were the mob's children. The mob crucified Jesus in order to preserve Jerusalem, the Temple, and their way of life, but within a generation, the city would be destroyed, the Temple would be torn down, and their way of life would be changed forever.


The challenge that we face today is this: will our own history sadly repeat itself for our kids?


Prayer:    Lord Jesus, we all make mistakes, but sometimes it's our kids who suffer the consequences. Sometimes innocent lives are damaged through our selfish sins. Make us more aware that what we do today can destroy our children's dreams tomorrow. Forgive our foolish ways and restore us to what is right. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.


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