Friday, April 07, 2006

The Last Battle

(You can listen to the audio commentary by double clicking here )

Revelation 17:14 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."


I once had a dream where I was standing in a field looking at an old, dilapidated house which suddenly transformed into a beautiful new building. I was mesmerized by this change and then I looked up into the sky. The white wisps of clouds began to slowly merge until a great bearded figure appeared, carrying what looked like an old lantern. I knew it was Jesus and He was surrounded by a fierce host of angels, who were armed and armored, as if they were preparing for an almighty battle.


All of a sudden, I found myself marching in a column of these angelic soldiers, and we were going downhill to beat of a mighty drum. Ahead, I could see the entrance of a colossal cavern and, because I was puzzled, I asked the soldier in front of me what was happening.


He answered, "We're taking the last battle to the gates of Hell, where the Lamb of God shall finally extinguish all evil."


Every now and then, I think about that dream, especially when the world appears to be going crazy. As each year passes, it gets harder for Christians to maintain their influence over civilization, and we're so divided against ourselves that we cannot make a united stand against the evil that is destroying our world. Pride, war, hatred and greed are the oldest foes the Church has fought against, but instead of diminishing their influence in the world, we've allowed them to contaminate us.


It's time to draw a line in the sand and prepare ourselves for the last battle. It's time to seek the Lord's forgiveness and be cleansed of our past mistakes. It's time that this old, dilapidated house, which we call Church, transformed into something new, something strong, and something effective. And it's time to stand beside Jesus and be ready for what lies ahead, for He is the Lord of lords and King of  kings, and He shall overcome all of those who make war with Him.


Prayer:  Lord Jesus, we sometimes forget that our faith is meant to prepare us for that Last Day in History when You shall overcome and vanquish all evil. We mistakenly  quantify faith as a life-style choice, as something that will give us a better life, or as a power that will bring us comfort and success. Remind us that we are in a battle between good and evil, and that only those who repent of their ways and side with You, will be granted salvation and eternal life. Help us to choose this day to be on Your side. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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