Monday, February 06, 2006

All for Jesus

Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Whenever a serious illness or a death occurs in our family back in Scotland, we always ask ourselves, "Was it worth it?" It's hard to describe the feeling of loneliness and isolation that still affects our hearts and souls, even after being here for ten years. Most of you cannot imagine what the Stuart family goes through, simply because most of you have family around you, but try to imagine what it would be like if all of your family - parents, siblings, cousins, etc. lived on another continent. Try to imagine what it would be like if all the people and places, schools and colleges, churches and culture that you grew up and were familiar with, existed on the other side of the world. No amount of compensation or company, satisfaction or security could ever make up for the things you have given up.

That's what the Stuarts live with each and every day. We gave everything up for Jesus. Absolutely everything. All those things that money can't buy. All that heritage that can never be replaced. All of our family and loved ones who can never be substituted. All for Jesus. All for Him. All for God's Kingdom.

You see, for our family, faith isn't a game or a life style choice. It's not a career move, nor a springboard to something better. It's all for Jesus - to build up this church, to bring people to God, to get souls saved. That's why at times, some people criticize me for my zeal, and the stance I take against cultural icons and popular trends. They don't understand that Jesus is at the core of my being, the center of my worship, the heart of my soul. It doesn't make me perfect or sinless. It doesn't mean I'm superbly holy or one hundred percent faithful. But it does mean that I know what it means, as does my family, to give everything up for Jesus, and that's what drives my life.

So, I guess the challenge for all of us this day is this: what are we willing to give up for Jesus, and what are we unwilling to let go for Jesus?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are not the side dish for the entree we call life. You are not a mere trend or decoration, an appendix or an after-thought to our lives. You are the Lord of all Creation, which means, that because we are creature, You are the Lord of our lives. Take away our arrogance and foolishness that diminishes Your influence over our decisions. Take away our selfishness and pride that damages our souls, and makes us reluctant to acknowledge that You are everything. Challenge and change us today; confront and contest our ways. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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