Thursday, February 25, 2016

Holy Week Devotions for Kindle

For the past three years, I've written a special daily devotional book for Holy Week. Each book contains poems, prayers, and devotionals exclusively written by me. I wrote them for Christian folks who may be too busy at work, school, or other places to join in the traditional services and masses that take place during Holy Week.

The books can be read on a daily basis, which helps the reader cultivate a sense of the sacred in her or his life during Holy Week. The following books are all available for those interested in Holy Week devotions.


Monday, February 22, 2016

A New Hymn for Easter Day by John Stuart

Hail, This Ever-Blessed Morn!
Tune: Humility (Oxford) – John Goss

See in yonder garden tomb,
Gone is all the morning gloom.
See the Holy Son appears,
Promised from eternal years.
Hail, this ever-blessed morn;
Hail redemption’s happy dawn;
Sing through all Jerusalem:
"Christ is come alive again!"

Lo, within a grave He lay,
He who died at Calvary,
He who sacrificed His life,
Stands before the morning light!
Hail, this ever-blessed morn;
Hail redemption’s happy dawn;
Sing through all Jerusalem:
"Christ is come alive again!"

Sacred Savior, all divine,
What a precious love is Thine,
You who came from highest bliss
Down to sinners such as us.
Hail, this ever-blessed morn;
Hail redemption’s happy dawn;
Sing through all Jerusalem:
"Christ is come alive again!"

Reach and teach us, Holy Lord,
With Your Love and gracious Word,
Help us to embrace Your Way
On this new born Easter Day!
Hail, this ever-blessed morn;
Hail redemption’s happy dawn;
Sing through all Jerusalem:
"Christ is come alive again!"

Altered words of Edward Caswall

By John Stuart ©2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Small Group Bible Studies - Coffee House Conversations

          All over the land, Christian folks are meeting together in their favorite coffee places, sharing their faith and ideas, and studying Bible passages together. I’m writing a series of simple Bible study books for such groups called “Coffee House Conversations.” My hope is that these books will make it easy for committed Christians to organize regular groups of their church friends and other folks, for faith conversations and the sharing of their spiritual experiences.

          These books contain seven Bible studies each, which can be used by small groups or individuals for Sunday School, Coffee groups, or House meetings. The purpose of each study is to help participants share their faith, as well as their questions, ideas, and comments, in an amiable way.

          Each study should last between 45 to 60 minutes. Different people may lead and enable each study – the format is simple and easy to employ. Currently, I've written three study books, with the promise of more to come. You can view each book online by clicking the following links:

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Gospel devotion - Fools for Christ - 1 Corinthians 1:18

1 Corinthians 1:18     For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (NIV)

            There are some Christians today who believe that the Cross was accidental and not a part of God’s plan. They say that Christ’s message of love is what is important now, and that to pin our faith on being forgiven through Jesus’ agonizing death is to worship a God that is vindictive, violent, and vile.

            Paul would call them foolish and that they will end up perishing because they cannot accept the purpose of the Cross. I agree with Paul because if I accept that Christ’s death was purely accidental, then God is powerless and not worthy of worship. It would also mean that Jesus was just a foolish preacher who got caught up in his own rhetoric and deserved to be killed by the authorities. Christ would become just another was a self-centered religious simpleton instead of a selfless Savior.

            For those of us who accept the power of the Cross as being predestined by God, we embrace an understanding that we are sinners who need to be saved from our sins. We don’t ever want to be separated from God and we don’t want to be cast aside forever. We claim the power of the crucified Christ, whose body was broken for our mistakes and whose blood was shed for our transgressions. In other words, without the Cross there is no forgiveness, and without Christ being nailed to that Cross, there is no hope of life after death. We would rather be fools for Christ on this side of life than fools for all of eternity on the other side of death.

Question:        What does Christ’s Cross mean to me? How has it shaped my faith?

Prayer:            Lord Jesus, You are the Savior of the world and the Redeemer of our souls. Your life was predestined by God to end in a sacrificial way. You accepted God’s will to be crucified, so that we can be forgiven of our sins and restored to God’s favor. Thank You for not abandoning us; thank You for loving us so much that You willingly sacrificed Your Life. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to ask questions or make comments about today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s image is one of John’s new Lenten Cross drawings. If you would like to view a larger version, please click on this link: Cross.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Lent Devotions: A 40 Day Journey of Renewal

My latest Lent devotional e-book has just been published on Amazon. It contains daily devotions, prayers, suggested Bible readings, and reflective questions for every day of Lent. It's a simple and beneficial way to keep Lent, in order to become prepared for Holy Week.

Click the link below to check out a copy. Other links for different countries can be found here:

