Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Shorts - Such is Life

Mark 10:17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

It’s a question that we all ask at some time in our lives: “How can I overcome death and obtain everlasting life?”

When I was eighteen, I overdosed on tranquilizers and almost died. I was saved by three friends, to whom I will forever be indebted. I spent three days in hospital to get my stomach cleaned out to check if my organs were still working. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I could have permanently damaged my kidneys and other vital organs, which would have meant that I would have unavoidably died days later. Thankfully, and providentially, that did not happen. My life had been spared by the quick action of my friends and the medical emergency team at the hospital.

Through being so close to death, it made me think about Life. I was faithless at the time, so if I had died, I could have been lost to everyone forever. I did not know this because I held a childlike belief of God in my heart. However, when I later turned to the scriptures to learn more about God, I was startled by some of the forthright views of Christ because sometimes His words stung me.

I no longer dabble with death or take my life for granted. My attempted suicide has given me a different perspective from most people. Life is something to be cherished, but it is also a gift of God that shouldn’t be wasted or squandered. The purpose of life is to give it back to God. Everything that we accomplish, all of our achievements, and every resource that we own, are nothing compared to the riches of God’s grace and everlasting love. That’s why Jesus asked the young man in this much told story to give up his wealth and esteem – for when he is old and dying, the young man is going to have to give them up anyway.

Health and wealth won’t last forever, but faith and love do. If we want life – a real abundant and everlasting life – then we are also invited to surrender ourselves to God through Jesus Christ.

Point to ponder: What is the purpose of my life and how can Christ make it more abundant?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, each day You challenge us to give up our lives and place them in Your hands. In other words, You’re asking us to have faith in You by surrendering ourselves to Your Church and Kingdom. Help us to do this willingly so we may realize that our lives are gifts from the Lord, which we will eventually give back to God. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Today’s image is one of John’s crayon drawings called “Cosmic Surfer.”

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