Saturday, September 02, 2017

Blessed Beatitudes

An updated version of the Matthew 5 Beatitudes

Blessed Beatitudes
Happy are those who are spiritually empty,
for they shall be filled with the fullness of God’s love.
Cherished are those whose loss is painful,
for they will be supported by loving friends.
Respected are those who seek to be humble,
for they will make the Earth a better place.
Empowered shall be those who long for justice,
for all their prayers will be fully heard.
Favored are those who act graciously,
for they will be embraced by the grace of God.
Truly loved are those who are simply sincere,
for they will know God’s faithfulness.
Anointed shall be those who strive for peace,
for they display the heart of God.
Encouraged shall be those who suffer for what is right,
for all God has, will be given to them.
John Stuart, September 2017

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